Archive | October 2008

I just had one of those moments where you get so deep into whatever it is you’re thinking/worrying about that you think something ridiculous and then realize how ridiculous it is and laugh at it. I will elaborate:

Lately there has been some pressure on me to choose a career or at least area of interest for myself. So I was doing some research to try to figure out what I want to do, looking at a website where you kind of click on a category and pick an area within it and then read about that, but there are also links to other related careers that you can click on. I’ve been doing this for 30 minutes or so and I wanted to look at a page about marketing, so I go to the category of marketing/sales and I’m trying to find the area I want, and one of the choices is “toys and games.” And I can distinctly hear the voice in my head saying “Do they mean selling them or like coming up with them? Because coming up with them would be a cool job.” And this was interrupted by the voice of reason saying “Really? You want to go to college to become an inventor?”  Which made me laugh a little to myself. Not that there is anything wrong with being an inventor.

Peace and love.

How to eat a good tasting a healthy meal, which includes meat and vegetables and grains, at your residential commons:

Step 1. Give up right now because it is not possible.

It’s 11:40 pm, or thereabouts, and I’m in my room without a whole lot to do. And I’m wondering. I’m wondering about the future and about the people I love and about the magic that is music.

I’m wondering what is really out there. Last great mystery.

What is really out there?